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Adolescents & International Transition

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« Barack Obama is a Third Culture Kid! | Main | Writing to Change the World »

April 21, 2007


kellie poulin

Interesting perspective that speaks to the unified field of which we all are a part - Barack Obama is such a sane, aware and educated being - I just love how he does not react to what others are being reactive to, how he is a force for consciousness - something that TCK's offer in their global perspective and experience ..... I am Canadian by birth and since immigrating to US four years ago, have had the opportunity to see the value in the Canadian multi-cultural perspective in which I was raised. We are living the experience of 'the Global Village' and the more citizens of the world we develop, the greater chance for harmony and respect we engender....I can fully appreciate that reality in the experiences of TCK's although I am not one myself.

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